

Python Programming (with Live Project)

Duration: 2 Months


An Introduction to Python

Why Python?, Good to know Python Syntax compared to other programming languages, Python Install.

Beginning Python Basics

The print statement, Comments, Python Data Structures & Data Types, String Operations in Python, Simple Input & Output, Simple Output Formatting, Operators in python,

Python Program Flow

Indentation, The If statement and its’ related statement, An example with if and it’s related statement, The while loop, The for loop, The range statement, Break &Continue, Assert, Examples for looping.

Functions& Modules

Create your own functions, Functions Parameters, Variable Arguments, Scope of a Function, Function Documentations, Lambda Functions& map, Exercise with functions, Create a Module, Standard Modules.

Exceptions Handling

Errors, Exception handling with try, handling Multiple Exceptions, Writing your own Exception.

File Handling

File handling Modes, Reading Files, Writing& Appending to Files, Handling File Exceptions, The with statement.

Classes In Python

New Style Classes, Creating Classes, Instance Methods, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions.

Generators and iterators

Iterators, Generators, The Functions any and all, With Statement, Data Compression.

Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter)

Introduction, Components and Events, An Example GUI, The root Component, Adding a Button, Entry Widgets, Text Widgets, Check buttons.

Python SQL Database Access

Introduction, Installation, DB Connection, Creating DB Table, INSERT, READ, UPDATE, DELETE operations, COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation, handling Errors.

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